National AccessAbility Week 2022

Every May, as the signs of summer emerge, and the sidewalks clear, Canada celebrates National AccessAbility Week (NAAW).
National AccessAbility Week began in 1988 as ‘National Access Awareness Week’ inspired by Rick Hansen’s Man In Motion World Tour to share the lived experiences of People Living with Disabilities. Simultaneously, NAAW promotes the social and economic inclusion of People Living with Disabilities and celebrates the employers and organizations that have made measurable progress.
Why National AccessAbility Week in 2022?
The truth is, People Living with Disabilities often experience barriers to participating in both social and economic opportunities (even in 2022). This inequality is usually the result of a lack of accessibility or bias built into the culture at large.

Photo from Unsplash by Kampus Production.
How to get Involved in #NAAW2022
1. Celebrate Red Shirt Day
In 2019, Easter Seals created Red Shirt Day (of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion). Red Shirt Day is commemorated by wearing the colour red to school, work or community spaces to create a visible display of solidarity with persons and families who are living with disabilities.
Red Shirt Day celebrates the achievements of PLWD. It is a pledge to support a barrier-free and inclusive society which values the contributions of people of all abilities in Canada.
Red Shirt Day takes place on the Wednesday of National AccessAbility Week. In 2022, Red Shirt Day is Wednesday, June 1 and can be followed on social media through searching and using the following hashtags: #RedShirtDay, #RedForAccessAbility, #EasterSeals, #unstoppABLE

2. Reflect and Make a Plan
NAAW is an excellent opportunity to cast a light on the role each organization, business, and induvial in Canada has in disability inclusion and building a barrier-free country. This NAAW, reflect on what short-term and long-term changes you can make to promote a more inclusive Canada!
3. Attend National AccessAbility Week Events Near You
Across Canada, not-for-profit organizations and businesses alike host National AccessAbility Week events and programming. Check out your favourite not-for-profit’s website and events to see if programming is available near you.
Events in Calgary
What: NAAW Inclusio Open House
Who: Accessible Housing, Calgary
When: Thursday, June 2, 2022 @ (1-3:00PM)
Where: Inclusio
Online Events
What: Microsoft Ability Summit 2022
Who: Microsoft
When: May 10, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: Keys to Accessible Housing
Who: Alberta Abilities Network
when: May 19, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: National AccessAbility Week 2022 – Alberta AccessAbility Panel Discussion
Who: GEDI Hub
When: May 31 @ 3 PM
Where: Virtual
What: National Accessibility Act webinar—prepare to champion accessibility
Who: BDO
When: June 2, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: NAAW: Moving Forward Together
Who: Government of Canada in Partnership with the Office of Public Service Accessibility
When: June 1, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: National AccessAbility Week Program – Advancing Accessibility Through Legislation and Litigation
Who: Law Society of Ontario
When: June 1, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: The Finer Senses
Who: Deafblind Services Ontario
When: June 10, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: Rick Hansen National AccessAbility Week
Who: Rick Hansen Foundation
When: May 29 – June 4, 2022
Where: Virtual
What: Braille Trivia Night with Braille Literacy Canada
Who: Braille Literacy Canada
When: June 17, 2022 @ 5:30 PM EST
Where: Virtual
What: Better Together 50/50 Draw
Who: Children’s Link
When: May 1 – 31, 2022
Where: Virtual
Get in Touch
Want to learn more about addressing accessibility barriers within your organization? Don’t hesitate to reach out!